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RGIA - Rajiv Gandhi International Airport

Location : Shamshabad, Hyderabad - 500 108, Telangana, India
Call Center Number : +91-40-66546370

Rajiv Gandhi International Airport  is an international airport that serves Hyderabad, the capital of the Indian state of Telangana. It is located in Shamshabad, about 24 kilometres (15 mi) south of Hyderabad and it was opened on 23 March 2008

GHIAL - GMR Hyderabad International Airport Limited (“GHIAL”), a joint venture company promoted by the GMR Group (74%) in partnership with Airports Authority of India (13%), Government of Telangana (13%).

GHIAL was mandated to design, finance, build and operate Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (RGIA), Hyderabad as a world class Greenfield airport on the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model.
